Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

It is time to make some plans for the coming year.  Things we want to do or make better.  Here are mine:

1.  I resolve to make it out of the house four out of five mornings without yelling.  Mornings are so hectic at our house trying to get everyone fed, dressed, and out the door.  In order for this to be more peaceful, I will make sure I get things done at night that need to get done.  I will make the kids get their own bags and things around with my supervision so they can learn responsibility.  I will make sure we are settled at night so we can all have a peaceful morning.  I will also need to go to bed earlier, so I can get up on time and get the kids up a little earlier.  And notice that it is only four out of five....I have to give myself a little break!

2.  I resolve to be a more optimistic person.  They say that happy upbeat people live longer.  And life is too short to spend time moping around.  I don't care what happens at work or wherever, I am going to try to look at it through a positive light and make the best of things.  This may be a challenge, as I usually get a post holiday funk.  This year, I am going to be more positive, and hopefully it will ward off the funk.  That leads me to number

3.  I resolve to live life to the fullest.  I am not going to let my screen time take the place of my life.  I am going to make sure that I enjoy my children, their activities, my activities, and all that goes with it.  I will spend less time on my computer wasting time and more time getting out in the world and enjoying what it has to offer.  I am going to set goals, try new things, and have adventures.  I will sleep well at night because I am tired from a full day of living.

I think that's good.  If I go too overboard, I won't be able to keep them all up.  Oh, but there is one more...

4.  I resolve to be a more consistent blogger.  :)

Happy New Year! 

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Season is Upon Us

Christmas is here.  All the festivities begin at our house tonight.

We have a family tradition that was carried over from my house growing up.  Tonight we will pack up the kids and go out to look at Christmas lights.  We spend about an hour (that's as long as the kids can handle it) driving around town to see the Christmas lights and listen to Christmas music.  Then we come home and have what our family refers to as "snacky dinner".  Veggies and dip, cheese and crackers, and tonight I am making a caprese pizza.  Then we pull out all the cookies and eat a bunch of those, too.  All while watching "The Polar Express."

After the kids go to bed, Chuck and I are in for a marathon wrapping session.  We haven't wrapped a single thing.  But, with a little help from "It's a Wonderful Life" or "White Christmas", we will get it done.

Tomorrow we have Christmas Eve with my grandparents.  It is a crazy time, but I love it.  It is so great to see everyone that we don't get to see very often.  Then we have Mass at 10:00.  I don't really like going so late with the kids, but there really isn't too many options.  We won't be done to make it to the 5:00 Mass, and I am not really willing to pull the kids away from their gifts on Christmas morning to make it to Mass.

Christmas morning will be early, I highly doubt the kids will sleep past 6:00.  I am going to do my best to hold them off until 7:00.  After ripping and tearing and squeals of joy, I have fabulous breakfast planned.  Then we pack up and head to Detroit to visit the fam.  Another wonderful time to see family we don't get to see very often.  The sadness this year is that the kids won't see Granny.  She is in North Carolina.  We are all sad that she won't be with us this year.

Then to my parents Christmas night for a huge family sleep over.  It's kind of amazing there is a place for all of us, we keep multiplying.  But the day after Christmas we have another Christmas morning, Christmas breakfast, and Christmas dinner.  It's nice to lounge without anywhere to go.  And my sister is coming home from California today, so she will be there and that will make it complete.

Once we are home on the evening of the 26th, our dining room becomes a toy store.  The kids will love playing with their gifts and relaxing in the remaining days of break.

I hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas will NOT beat me!

Not this year!  Nope, I am putting my foot down.  I will not be stressed out.  I will not panic.  I will not let it consume my life, my house, my sanity.  Christmas will not beat me this year!

So far, so good.  Like I said before, the shopping is done.  And as of right now, the cards are sent, the baking is very close, and gifts have been sent to school and bus drivers.  The big thing that has been suffering is my house.  My poor husband and children have had to search for clean clothing, my dining room table hasn't been seen in weeks, and the clutter strewn through the house makes my stomach turn.  The truth is that I have been exhausted.  Just knowing that I the children fed and clean is enough for me.  They go to bed and Chuck and I collapse into our chairs to stare blindly at the tv before we stumble to bed.  And when we do have some time and energy, we are on the go.  And so my house sat for the last couple of weeks.

Until yesterday.  I was a crazy woman.  After church, I bake/made seven different types of cookies.  I did seven loads of laundry.  I made one last Christmas present, and believe it or not, my dining room table is now visible.  I am so thankful for my wonderful husband.  He did the dishes after I made the kitchen a mess, ran errands for the things I forgot, wrapped the presents that needed to be delivered today, and made dinner.  We were both exhausted last night, but this morning I feel soooooooooooo much better. 

I don't know about everyone else, but when things around me (my house, my classroom, my car) are chaotic, I feel like my life is chaotic, too.  When things are neat and orderly, I am calm.  My husband says I am a little OCD.  Maybe I am.  My coworkers laugh at me because I have specific days to do specific things and my classroom is always tidy.  But it keeps me calm.  And let's face it, anyone who knows me, likes me WAY better when I'm calm.  When I am not, well, let's just say I get a little spirited.

So now that the house is picked up, there is only one more load of laundry, and only the sugar cookies need to be frosted, I feel like I have one up on Christmas.  It is not going to beat me this year.  This year, I am going to relax and enjoy the holiday.  In my clean house.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Busiest Time of Year

I apologize for the lack of posting.  It is truly the busiest time of the year.

That being said, we are really ahead of the game this year.  I think it is safe to say that we are pretty much done shopping.  I am waiting for a couple of packages to arrive.  They should be here tomorrow and Thursday, and that's it.  I have a couple of presents to make, but I have all the supplies.  This is probably the earliest I have ever been done, and it feels GREAT!  I even have the stocking stuffers.

The cards are made, and I hope to have them out by the end of the week.  The picture of the kids was taken last night and picked up today.  Chuck is picking up my envelopes tonight.  Tomorrow, marathon card session.

Cookies are on deck for the the weekend.  I will probably spend Saturday morning and all day on Sunday making them.  But that is still a week ahead of Christmas.  I totally feel ok about that. 

What is suffering is my house.  The going here and there every weekend has caused the laundry to get backed up, the dining room is cluttered, and the bedrooms are a mess.  I also haven't been able to make it to the pool lately.  I am starting to feel like a slug.  The holiday treats don't make it any better.

And let me tell you about the wonderful "busy" of our weekends!

Calah and I went to see the Nutcracker.  LOVED IT!  It is fantastic to see the look on the girls' faces when they saw the ballerinas and the tutus and the toe shoes.  Then we got to meet some of the dancers on the stage after the ballet.  Calah's autographed program is currently her prized possession.  We were able to get a picture with Clara and the Nutcracker and Miss Jenica and all the girls.  Fantastic!

We also got to see our godchildren and some good friends this weekend.  And we have a dance recital for my niece this weekend.  The kids are finishing up dance class and swimming lessons this week.  I had parent/teacher conferences (in December?  Yes, I know, I think it is ridiculous, too!).  The kids have their Christmas program next week.  We have the train club Christmas party and I have a swim meet this week.  I know that everyone has this type of schedule at this time of year.  Personally, I love the bustle of the holiday season.  But I do have one wish.

My Christmas wish is that while we are all doing the busy things that are part of this season, we take time to remember what this season is about.  It is about the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Yes, it is nice to give and receive gifts.  It is wonderful to think of the less fortunate and donate time, money, and gifts.  They are truly the way we serve Christ on Earth.  But really think about what it means that Jesus came to save us.  He came in the most humble way when He deserved to come in the most regal.  If you aren't a regular church goer, try it this season.  You may find yourself uplifted and inspired by the baby that came to save us all.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Somethings Never Change....

Well, I did it.

Today I swam in my first Michigan Master's swim meet.  It is all thanks to my high school English teacher who convinced me that I was ready, even though I didn't think that I was.  I have only been swimming since August, and I am definitely not in great shape.  And it's been 14 years and 2 kids since I swam competitively.  I know that my goal was to compete sometime this winter, so I figured why not dive right in?  (pun intended)

So I competed in DeWitt this morning and for people who understand swimming, this next part will make sense.  I swam the 100 free in 1:18.57.  I was aiming for anything under 1:30, so that was pretty exciting.  I swam the 50 free in :34.55.  Again, anything under :38 thrills me.   The 50 free was the 6th event and I went for it and swam the 7th event, too:  100 IM.  Now this is not an event that ordinarily is in a meet, so it is really just fun.  I would like to swim the 200 IM again one day.  1:34.53.  Not great, but not a horrible showing either.  I was first in my heat, that's something.

If nothing else, this gives me base times to work with.  I am proud of my crazy self for doing it.  And I will probably do it again.  Nope, I will definitely do it again.

I met some nice people who were very supportive.  This seems like a good fit for me.  And after the meet there was a lot of food for the hungry swimmers....somethings never change.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Not much to report

There is not much to report lately.  And that is really it. 

We had a great Thanksgiving.  Good food with the family.  My mom made a turkey and all of the trimmings.  They were great!  And there were so many.  After dinner and a walk around the neighborhood, the rest of the fam came over (we were only missing Emily...boooo), and we had some great pies.  I tried my hand at lemon meringue.  It was fine, but not like grandma's.  I will keep working on it and hope to find a recipe that I like. 

The rest of the weekend was nice.  We saw some family we don't get to see very often on Friday.  It is always nice to see them.  I also was able to pick out a couple more of my grandma's Christmas ornaments.  I will really enjoy seeing them on our tree this year.  Chuck put up the Christmas lights and I decorated the inside of the house.  And lots of relaxing.  Lots and lots of relaxing.  It was well needed.

I have to admit, I wasn't really looking forward to going back to work on Monday.  It is only a short busy stretch until Christmas, so I think I can handle it.  Which I guess means I should tell you what I have been up to regarding Christmas....

I am organized.  I mean really organized.  Sometimes I might go a little overboard.  My current lists look like this:  I have a list that has every person and what I would like to get them for Christmas (I know, not unusual).  It includes absolutely everybody I can think of:  bus drivers, aides, mailcarrier.  I try to be extremely thorough.  I have a list of things that I need to do everyday between now and Christmas.  Every appointment, lesson, shopping trip, program, or other event.  Listed, by the hour.  This may be overkill, but it keeps me sane.  I also have them highlighted in different colors based on the type of event it is.  Then I have the store lists.  All gifts broken down by stores.  And the order in which we have to go to them.  That way if I don't get things at one store, I have the possibility of going to another store without having to backtrack.  I hate to backtrack.  I have a list of things to order online, too.  And time set aside to do it.  Sadly, this is what I need to do in order to get through the season.

The thing is, Christmas sort of stresses me out.  Once the shopping is done, the baking is done, the cards are sent, and everything is wrapped, then I can enjoy.  So I need to get through to shopping and the cards and the baking and the wrapping.  This helps me do it.  The shopping is the toughest.  I mentally prepare myself for months (I'm not kidding), months to get ready.  That way I can get in, get what I need, and get out.  I spend a lot of time thinking about what to get people, so I am not one to look around.  This year I am more organized than ever.  And hopefully it will be the most stress free Christmas season ever.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  I love spending time with family, eating good food, and not having to worry about the stress of "did I get the right gift".  And I have a lot to be thankful for:

I am thankful for my family.  I have an amazing husband who is a great dad and a great husband.  He works hard for our family and picks up the slack around the house when I don't get things done. I have amazing children who are kind and thoughtful and super fun.  Calah and Gabe have blessed my life in ways I didn't know possible.

I am thankful for brothers, sisters, and in-laws who are great friends in addition to being family.  I am thankful for nieces and nephews who are adorable and fun to watch grow.  I am thankful for my mom and dad and all the support and love they have given me every day of my life.  I am thankful for a mother-in-law for raising such a wonderful man that I have had the privilege of marrying.  I am thankful to have grandparents that are healthy and active.

I am thankful for friends and the support network we have grown.  I am thankful for the kid's school and the families that we have met in the process.  I am thankful for their teachers who dedicate themselves so selflessly to the education of children.  I am thankful for our babysitter who loves and cares for my children and takes them whenever I need her to.  I am thankful for bus drivers who get my children to and from school safely every day.  I am thankful for parents of classmates who also will transport my children in times of need.

I am thankful that my husband and I are employed in our field of choice.  I am thankful that I get to spend my days teaching biology and trying to inspire young minds.  I am thankful, also, for four days off!

I am thankful that we have a home that keeps us sheltered from the cold and rain, and protected from the hot sun.  I am thankful that we can put food on our table and clothes on our bodies and gas in our cars.  I am thankful for all the material things that we have, but I am thankful that I know that material things are not what is important.  I am thankful that we are healthy, but if we needed to go to the doctor's we could. 

I am thankful that I live in a country where you can speak your mind without fear.  I am thankful for those that have give selflessly to protect our freedoms, whether that is giving of their time for service away from their families or with the ultimate sacrifice. 

I am thankful for my faith and my trust in God.  It may not always be easy, but it always leads me the right way.

I hope that you will think of all of the things that you are thankful for, too, on this wonderful holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Time to Relax

It has been a very busy week!  The highlight of the week was that Calah has now mastered her two-wheel bike.  She really was good last weekend, but this week she has practiced almost every day, and today she rode two miles with Chuck on the bike trail.  She is so proud of herself..and so are we.  She also got to finally start to learn cursive.  All is well in Calah's world!

And Gabe is good.  He was sick last weekend, but I think he has finally kicked that bug.  He had a Thanksgiving feast at school on Friday and Mimi and Papa came to see it.  That made him very happy.  He loves the Native American headdress and necklace that he made.  And he made a drum at his other preschool, so he is all set!

Chuck is off to the train show tomorrow, so he will be gone all day, and Monday will be interesting for him.  He has his first blood drive as NHS adviser and he also has to pick up his wreath order for the German club.  Really busy day.  I hope that everything goes well for him.  By the time Thursday rolls around, he will have earned a little vacation!

As for me, we had a lock-in on Friday night for leukemia.  We raised about $250, so I was pretty happy.  The kids that came seemed to have fun, and that is what counts.  I have an incredible executive board this year and one of my officers planned and organized this event.  I did almost nothing, a few last minute details, signing paperwork, and showing up for the event.  And we all had a good time.  I even beat a couple of girls at the X-box Kinect dance game.  I know, I rock.....

Today I saw my sister-in-law and twin nieces on their way to a swim meet.  I hope Abby got her second metal today!  I am very proud of my nieces and nephews and all they do.

I also went shopping with my sister and my mom.  We had a really nice lunch at The Olive Garden (yummy...shrimp caprese!), and then to the mall for a little shopping.  The best part was really just hanging out with my mom and sister.  A good girls day.

So tomorrow is a time to relax, sort of.  With Chuck gone, it will be me and the kids and the laundry.  But there will some relaxing, absolutely, some relaxing!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rough Day

So, yesterday I had a rough day at school.  I'm not going to get into the details, but I will say that when I got home, I just wanted to crawl into my bed and ignore the world.  This year I have made a real effort to not let things at work get to me.  I have gotten through almost every day feeling good.  I haven't complained about the extra work that we have been give, my class schedule, my students.  I have felt pretty good all and all. 

So yesterday was upsetting.  Calah came in to snuggle me and ask what was wrong.  I told her some people said mean things to me and it made me sad.  So she wrote me this note:
In case you can't read it, it says:  To: Mommy, tomorow at school tell the people that said mean things to you tell them this:  You should be ashamed of your selves!  I think you should have a bad day!

It made me smile.  I appreciate that she is sensitive to the feelings of others.  And it helped me put things in perspective.  So it was a rough day, big deal.  Tomorrow is another day and I need to suck it up and go back to doing what I do best, regardless of what anyone has to say.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Not Now....

I had every intention of posting tonight.  But some things happened today that I need to deal with and I am afraid if I post tonight, I may say somethings that could come back to bite me.  So, with that I will hope to post tomorrow.  Have a good day!

Friday, November 11, 2011

I have the best weekend plans....

I have the most wonderful plans this weekend!

Tomorrow I am going to go grocery shopping and then to the pool for a workout.  Then there is a day of cleaning my house, changing the sheets, and doing the laundry.  I will probably make a nice dinner and dessert.  And hopefully, after the kids have been bathed and put to bed, Chuck and I will watch a movie and relax.

Sunday will be more of the same.  I also hope to work on our Engaged Encounter talks and organize some cabinets.  And I have a couple of great projects planned to do with the kids.  I think that we will also have to pull out the play doh, fingerpaints, or markers (whatever they want to do), and get a little creative.  I think we should all go for a family walk and work with Calah on riding her bike.  There also needs to be a whole bunch of snuggling and reading stories!

By Sunday night, I will have packed lunches and bags and gotten everything around for the week.  Then I will get to start a short week ready to go.  Everyone but Calah is off on Tuesday for opening day of hunting, so that will be a day to get appointments and errands done. 

For tonight, we are going to have "snacky" dinner (chips and dip, veggies, crackers and cheese, bread and dip) and put on our jammies and watch a movie as a family.  Light some good scented candles get a couple of blankets to snuggle in and start off the weekend in style!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Engaged Encounter

Last weekend, Chuck and I had a great weekend with Engaged Encounter.  We are a presenting team, which means that every few months we open up ourselves and our marriage for engaged couples so they can get a look at marriage "from the inside".  We have written talks about a variety of topics from communication, to unity, to ministering our faith to others, to intimacy, to betrothal.  It is totally emotionally exhausting, but so worth it.  I think sometimes Chuck and I get just as much out of it as the couples.  It rejuvenates our marriage.

This weekend was very small and was held at the Weber Center in Adrian.  That is a fantastic facility!  They even had a fun little gift shop...I got a new advent wreath!  Our community recently had to find new places to hold weekends as our previously facility was re purposed. 

Just a note on that...Our previous location was St. Joseph's Home for Children, which hasn't been used as an orphanage in years, but was great.  I really miss it, if only for nostalgic purposes.  I can remember going there as a kid with my parents at the end of Marriage Encounter weekend.  I think we sometimes went as a family, and sometimes went down at the end of one of their weekends.  They were a presenting team for Marriage Encounter.  We would stand outside the doors of the chapel and line the halls singing as the couples came out.  I loved that.  Those are the memories I will miss about St. Joe's.

"There's a new world somewhere, they call the promised land.  And I'll be there some day, if you will hold my hand......"

At any rate, Chuck and I haven't done any weekends since the move, so this was our first weekend in a a different facility.  We had a small weekend, only 10 couples.  I don't know if it was the distance or the time of year, but I hope that in the future we get more couples at that facility.  These couples were AMAZING!  Very faithful, very attentive, really nice.  Sometimes we don't get such nice groups.  Sometimes they are really mean to us on our evaluations.  We are volunteers and doing the best we can, there is no need to be nasty.  Anyway, this group was very nice and really wants God to be part of their relationship. 

We also had a married couple on the weekend that are going to write their talks and become a presenting team, too.  Yippee!  This couple are friends from church and they are really wonderful and faithful people.  They contributed to the weekend in a way that Chuck and I couldn't do on our own.  The small amount of sharing they did really impacted the couples, it was great!  As a community, we are very happy to have new blood.  We are in need of more presenting teams.  Currently we can only offer about 5 weekends a year, and we have only four presenting teams, needing two teams per weekend.  That makes it tough.  Everyone has busy schedules and committing to two or three full weekends a year is a challenge.  Plus, we typically have a lot of couples that want to come, and space is limited.  We really would like to add a couple more weekends.

The other thing going on right now is we are in a stage of transition.  The National Board for EE came out with a revised outline and we need to rewrite all our talks.  The outline is very important because it keeps us on point and gives a lot of information about faith that we need to share with the couples.  It also keeps us on time.  Our goal is to give the couples the information and give them as much time as possible to reflect on their feelings and share that with their partner.  We don't do large group discussions of topics, the marriage is going to be between the couple and God, they need to work out things between them. 

So, I did spend a fair amount of time this weekend working on our talks.  Chuck and I have finished three, and I am working on one now.  We have one more after that.  Then it is on to easy ones, like the introduction.  We are set to start presenting with them the first of January, so I need to get it in gear!  They still need to be checked by National and workshopped (that's like a trial run with another couple to make sure everything sounds right and you got all the points across).  Guess I know what I'll be doing next weekend, too!

I always miss my kids while I am gone, but they got to spend some quality time with Mimi and Papa.  They were pretty happy with that.  Although being gone for the weekend means that I have mountains of laundry and other things to do, I am happy to be home.  Is it possible to feel rejuvenated and exhausted at the same time?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Songs I am Currently Addicted To

Someone Like You..Adele

I love her voice!  I love Rolling in the Deep, too, but for some reason this song resonates with me.  I think it is nostalgic of bad break-ups.  I have a couple in particular in mind, I won't air them here.  But it brings back a little of the pain.  The fact that I have a wonderful marriage and loving husband makes those feelings feel safe.  I think it is good to remember some of the things that have hurt us in the past and how we have moved past them.  On to better things.  It is true what they say...whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

If I Die Young...The Band Perry

This is such a tragic song!  I am actually slightly appalled with myself for liking it so much.  It is so sad, who wants to think of themselves dying young, or their daughter dying young.  But it is such a beautiful song and I love the singer's voice.

Despicable Me..Pharrell

Yes, the song from the movie.  It's funny, and when I am having a bad day, it is perfect.  It's like all the "bad guy" things of the movies (using a chain saw, using a heat ray) he "poo poo"s and thinks his way (using a freeze gun) is better.  I feel that way sometimes.  Why do people do things the hard way when my way would be sooooo much easier?  I do believe that if the world ran according my rules and wishes it would run much better and everyone would be much happier.

I am a Rock...Simon and Garfunkel

This is my "I am not going to let little things get to me" song.  I am a rock, I am an island!  Little irritating things are not going to penetrate my emotional barrier.  And it is going to be hard to get to me, anyway, because I am an island....I am way out there!  I like to listen to this to psych me up for a tough day.

Edge of Glory...Lady Gaga

Why not?  I'm on the edge of something.  Sanity, maybe?  It's just and upbeat fun song that makes me happy.  And I need a song that makes me happy.  I am noticing a trend in this post of depressives....not cool.  I like a lot of happy songs too.  But happy songs don't tug at your emotional heartstrings as much.  I think that is why they don't stick with me as much.  But I do like a lot of upbeat happy music...Pink, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, NKOTB (love my New Kids!), and a lot from Glee.

I love music.  I play it constantly and I turn up every great song that I hear.  And that is a lot of them.  My kids love music, too.  Gabe told me the other day.."Aerosmith is awesome!"  And Calah loves Taylor Swift.  At least they have good taste!

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Nothing beats the feeling of satisfaction on a Sunday night. 

Don't get me wrong, I have the "Sunday night yucks!" too.  But having completed the tasks that needed to be done, makes the "Yucks", a lot more tolerable.  Even with Monday morning looming, I can relax.  Or get as close to relaxing as possible.

The largest and most obvious of weekend tasks is laundry.  I don't mind folding and putting laundry away.  It's sorting it and getting it in the washer and dryer that alludes me.  I don't know what it is, but it is my least favorite part of it.  And I don't do laundry during the week unless I absolutely have to.  I know a lot of people do, but I just let it collect in laundry hampers until the weekend.  So, if you want something special for a certain day....make sure I wash it the weekend before and don't dirty it before hand!  I'm sure when the kids have game jerseys and things that need to be washed midweek, I'll make it happen, but not now.  There isn't time.

Then there is the fact that we have been on the go for the last few weekends and the house hasn't gotten a good cleaning.  And by that I mean I have half bags of things that have come in from the van and various outings.  Hats and mittens from the pumpkin patch, magazines and coloring books from our camping trip, church clothes and cameras from last weekend's Thanksgiving at my parents, pictures and books from a trip to the lake.  And then there was the kids' art supplies..huge mess.  I made the kids do that.

Then the cleaning of the kitchen, the kids rooms, changing the sheets, cleaning the mail table, cleaning out the Engaged Encounter bins for next weekend, picking up the back porch.  All the things Chuck did, raking (for the 3rd day in a row!  My hero!), cleaning out the cars, weather proofing the windows.  Crazy!

For tomorrow, lunches and bags are packed, complete with Halloween costumes, breakfast is ready to go, and coffee is made.

But we also had a lot of fun.  We went to the lake and helped rake and haul leaves.  I didn't do much, I admit...I'm too pretty to work!  :)  Just kidding, but that is what I told my sisters.  We went to the pancake breakfast after church.  Yummy!  We picked out and carved pumpkins.  The kids did a corn maze.  And we had a "B" dinner....brats in buns, bbq chips, broccoli, boxed berry juice for the kids, beer for mom and dad, and brownies for dessert!

All and all a great weekend, but now I am happy to sit and watch the Amazing Race in my clean house with great smelling candles and relax.  Ahhhhh......

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I have not hid the fact that Tuesdays are my least favorite day of the week.  Nothing good has ever come from a Tuesday.  I usually try to just get through the day without it doing too much damage to me.  Today was no exception.

It wasn't a horrible day, but it wasn't great either.  Maybe if I highlight the good points, I won't feel so bad about the day.

1.  I got a lot of compliments on my outfit today.  I went shopping this past weekend and got some new clothes.  I am really enjoying my new wardrobe.

2.  My NHS group is doing a great job planning an upcoming "Lock-in for Leukemia".  I am really proud of them, we just might pull it off.

3.  My seminar class is kicking butt on our door decorating contest.  I think we are going to win if we pull it off.

4.  I have a new book.  Actually, two.  James Patterson's "Now You See Her" and Jaycee Dugard's "A Stolen Life".  I got them at the library.  I'll let you know what I think when I'm done reading them.

5.  We had a good dinner, chicken and dumplings.  And I made chocolate chip cookies.  Yum!

6.  I left the house and went to the pool.  I took initiative.  It isn't my fault a thunderstorm started and they made us clear the pool in the middle of my workout.  At least I tried.

7.  I got excellent hugs and kisses from my kiddos.  Enough said.

Those are all good things.  I don't think it is enough to make me like Tuesdays, but I guess I can put a check in the "good day" column.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Confession

I hate to run.  I know that lots of people like it, and it is the thing to do, but I hate it.  I have a dad who runs, a brother and sister-in-law who run marathons, and a crazy awesome sister who run ultramarathons.  Even my other sister enjoys running.  I don't.  I never have.  It was my goal as a member of the track team to do whatever I had to NOT to run.  I know that doesn't make sense, but it's the truth.

What I do like to do is swim.  I think the best thing to ever happen to me was to get cut from the jv basketball team.  It sure didn't feel that way at the time.  But my dad told me that I wasn't going to sit around the house all fall so I could run cross country, play tennis, or swim.  Well, I have no idea how to play tennis and we have already covered my feelings on running.  It wasn't pretty at first, but by the end of my first season I realized that I may have a little talent in this area and my love grew from there.

After swimming in high school and college, I needed a break.  I know a lot of the people I swam with did the same thing, and some of them never want to see a pool again.  I guess if I had spent 18 to 20 years swimming, I might feel the same way.  As it is, I only spent about 7 years competitively swimming.  I did need a break, and in the process, had two children and gained a bunch of weight. 

I never stopped enjoying the idea of swimming.  It's been a while since I have really been in the pool to swim.  Once in a while, I would go and try to do a few yards, but I was never serious.  So here is my confession.  I have been swimming pretty regularly since August and my goal is to compete in a Master's swim meet sometime this winter.  I realized that seems a little crazy.  I am not trying to break records or do anything phenomenal, but I would like to race a couple of races.

Although that is my goal, I am really enjoying the working out part.  I was up this morning to go to the pool and the cool, crisp air made me feel alive when I left the house.  And when I was done, I had that really good tired feeling in my arms and lungs.  And I feel very accomplished!  This morning I swam 2000 yards in about 50 minutes.  Not spectacular, but to put it in perspective, in my prime I swam 3000-3300 yards an hour.  I'd like to be at about 2700-2800 yards an hour.  I'll keep plugging away.

I have hesitated telling  people about my swimming because I don't want to feel like I am letting anyone down if these things don't happen.  But I think I am confident enough that this will happen that I can share this information.  And I am confident enough that I know this is for me and nobody else, and I am not responsible to anybody but myself.  I hope that people will support, but not judge me.  I am happy to just do this for me.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Awesome Weekend!

So we are back from our fantastic weekend.  Friday night wasn't exactly the way that I planned.  Chuck and I set up in the rain and by the time we had dinner, we were all so exhausted that we all went to sleep.  And listened to the rain.  All night.

Saturday brought overcast skies and lots (LOTS) of wind, but no rain.  We went out to Lake Michigan.
Yes, it was cold enough for winter coats!  We saw some great color on the way into Empire for lunch.
Then it was off to Glen Arbor and a little Cherry Republic (YUM!).  We decided to drive up the Leelenau Peninsula.  We stop in Leland and had a chance to see the salmon run.

The kids really got a kick out of Fishtown.  I think they could have watched the fish jump all day.  Then we drove up to the tip of the peninsula to the Grand Traverse Lighthouse.  We missed the haunted tour for the day, but we walked out to the beach and picked up some rocks.

We saw this tree with these awesome branches, it is just so fun to have these fun experiences with the kids!  We stopped at the 45th parallel, just for a picture!

Sunday, we climbed the dunes and drove the scenic drive.
The Lake Michigan overlook was so windy we couldn't make it up there.  Calah and I are still picking sand out of our ears!  After lunch it was some shopping in Traverse City and a quick trip up the Old Mission Peninsula.  There is still some great color!  Later we stopped so the kids could play at the park. 

We made sure they took their cameras and they love to take pictures.

So each night we headed back to the campsite and had a little dinner and a campfire...complete with smores and apples and caramel, just like I was looking forward to.  The kids absolutely LOVE camping!
Thanks to the "Big Heat" we stayed nice and toasty at night.  And the wind dried everything out nicely.  Turns out, the campground was shutting down the loops for the winter, and we were the last ones to camp at our spot for the 2011 season. 

Nothing beats fall camping, cool nights and good color make a great trip.  I really wish I was less responsible.  I would chuck it all and move the family to the great north. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Our Favorite Fall Trip

This weekend, the Holman family is packing up the (borrowed!) pop-up and traveling north!

We have done this trip for about the last 5 years.  We camp at Sleeping Bear Dunes during the fall.  We aim for high color, but I think we will miss it this year.  We should have gone last weekend, but it was Homecoming for Chuck, so no 80 degree camping in the fall for us.  We don't care that we miss the high color, there will still be plenty to see.  And I really don't care that it will be chillier and rainier, I think that makes better camping anyway.

So the plan is to go up on Friday night and stay until Monday.  The kids don't have school, so it seemed like the perfect time to take a long weekend.  We will probably end up finishing up set up about the time it gets dark, so after a quick dinner, I am looking forward to a nice fire.  Bundled up, with smores and apples and caramel.  Yummm! 

While we are up there, we'll visit the dune climb and Glen Arbor.  I am a huge fan of Cherry Republic, so we HAVE to go there.  Tourist season is pretty much over, so nothing is to crowded.  Just the way I like it.  I would love to live in Glen Arbor.  If I had a $1, 000, 000, (I would by you a green dress, but not a real green dress that's cruel)......sorry....side tracked.

Anyway, if I had a $1, 000, 000, I would by a house on Sleeping Bear Bay within walking distance of "downtown" Glen Arbor.  I just love it there. 

We will also drive Pierce Stocking Drive.  It is a special place for us.  Five years ago, I told Chuck that I was pregnant with Gabe there.  Wish there was news this year.  I always read the pamphlet as we drive around and try to teach a little ecology to the kids.  Maybe this time we will get out and walk a couple trails.

The entire point of this trip is to relax.  We won't spend the entire day in the car driving from place to place, or spend the whole time shopping.  We will stay pretty local to the area and take in the breathtaking nature.  Pictures to come next week!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Things That are Irritating!

Ok, maybe it's the knock to the head today, but I finding many things thoroughly annoying.

Tuesdays notoriously suck.  Truly it is the worst day of the week.  Strike one today is Tuesday.  Strike two...girl fight.  It's over, I'm fine...just annoyed.  So while I was waiting around for strike three....

The first annoying thing is people who have to always have the "better" story, or the "worse" experience.  Really people, your life is so important that the rest of us can't have a bad day, or experience.  Just because I am telling you that I had a rough day doesn't mean that you need to tell me you received death threats from your 1st graders.  I promise on your rough day I will sympathize with you, can't you just sympathize with me on mine.  Grrrrrr!

Then, I went shopping at Meijer and saw a man driving his car with an infant in it.  He was smoking a cigarette, but was being very considerate....he was holding it out the sun roof.  I'm sure that will prevent his infant from the second hand smoke.  Double Grrrrrrr!

Then I went to the pool for a swim (yes, I am publicly announcing that I have been swimming pretty regularly for a couple of months).  There was open swim so I was doing laps, as best as I could, with 2/3 of a lane.  I was minding my own business and not bothering anyone, but the parents of the kids swimming apparently could manage to keep their kids out of my way.  Seriously people.  I am taking up next to no room and I am only at that end of my partial lane for a couple of seconds.  And I'm not complaining that I have only a partial lane, so the least you can do is keep your kids out of my way for a few seconds!  TRIPLE GRRRRR!

No strike three has come...yet.  Maybe it's just my mood today.  I'm sure after an adult beverage and some relaxation exercises, I will head back to school tomorrow just as peachy keen as I was when I left this morning.

Monday, October 10, 2011


 "Spiderman, Spiderman..doing whatever a spider can.  Shooting his web, swinging from building to building, snatching up the bad guys and taking them to jail.  Spiderman, Spiderman, doing whatever a spider can."

This is the song I sang to Gabe tonight as he went to bed.  I made it up.  Last night, it was Batman.

"Batman.....nanananananananananana..Batman....nananananananana...Who's that caped crusader, saving's Batman......nananananananananana...Batman!"

Made that one up, too.

I love to sing to my kids.  We sing all the time.  Lately, Gabe has been stretching my imagination with his selection of nighttime songs.  I don't know the theme to Batman or Spiderman!  I was ok with Bob the Builder, when we went through that phase.  I do miss the ole standbys...Twinkle, Twinkle and You are My Sunshine.  He doesn't want to hear those anymore.

But singing is something that is routine at our house.  In the morning I wake Calah up the same way my mom woke my sister and I up..."It's time to wake up, it's time to wake up, it's time to wake up in the morrrning....."  I also add a little..."Rise and Shine, and give God the Glory, Glory."

At the breakfast table, there are actually requests.  The Underpants Song.  The Announcement Song.  Let's Hit the Road, Jack.  It may not always be the most appropriate (not bad, but I should probably also teach my kids not to talk/sing about underpants in public), but it keeps us light-hearted in the morning and wards off the grumblies.  Even when Calah is pouting because she "just so tired," or Gabe won't eat, a song will bring out the smiles and we can go off happy.

I'm not sure that Chuck knew this about me when we got married.  I always made up songs, but it is significantly worse after the kids were born.  I'm really not to blame.  It's hereditary.  I get it from my mom.  She is the queen of made up songs and nicknames.  It makes life fun!

I have to say the best part of singing is that I have a special song for each of my kids.  I picked them out when they were born and sang them almost every night until they started making requests for songs.  Calah's is "Goodnight My Angel (Lullaby)" by Billy Joel.  I heard it at my sister's wedding while I was pregnant, and couldn't get enough of it while I was pregnant.  She loves it.  If we hear it on the radio, she always points out that it is her song.  Sometimes she still requests it.

Gabe's is "Godspeed" by the Dixie Chicks.  What a way to describe little boys!  I would sing it to him everynight, if he would let me.

I don't think I'll ever stop singing.  I know one day my kids will hate it, especially because I'm not a good singer.  But I stand by my singing motto...If you don't like the voice God gave you, give it back!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


On this very awesome fall evening, while watching the Tigers and enjoying the warm weather, I think I will do a little bragging about my eldest child.

Calah is constantly amazing me.  As a 2nd grader, she is doing wonderfully.  I think her class is challenging her this year, and that is a good thing.  I notice her working harder and wanting to practice and learn more.  The other day, she brought home math flash cards.  She really wants Mommy, Daddy, Gabe, the neighbor boy and his mom to all play "Around the World".  She cracks me up.  I guess I'll have to come up with a fun game to play with her.

She consistantly brings home perfect school work and spelling tests.  I am really proud of her.  I hope that she continues her love of learning and wants to keep it up.

And reading....this kid LOVES to read!  The only thing is that she reads, like, 4 chapter books at once.  We find them lying all over the house!   Oh, what a problem to have!  She loves Junie B, Pony Pals, and Ramona (I am soooo excited about that one!)  Little House the Prairie is her favorite series.  She has read the first 3 and can't wait to read the rest.  She even will play "Little House in the Big Woods" with her friends.  She tells them if they are Mary or Ma or Baby Carrie and then tells them what they need to do to help feed the animals or make the food.  I'm not sure that her friends have read the books, or have any idea what she is talking about, but she enjoys it.  I am going to make it a point this spring for her to see the tapped maple trees.  Little House has her fascinated with making of maple syrup.

This year we skipped soccer and just stuck to dance and swimming lessons.  I think that it has saved our family a lot of headaches.  Calah didn't seem to mind too much.  She would rather dance.  And she is quite the dancer.  She is always telling me, "Mom, my talent is dancing".  This kid has never complained about going to dance or said she didn't want to go.  Every week, she is so excited to put on her leotard and go dancing.  She dances at a wonderful studio with wonderful teachers.  Calah loves them, too!  They learn all sorts of ballet terms, that I don't understand, but she will repeat them and show me what she needs to do all week long.  This winter, the moms are taking the girls in her dance class to see "The Nutcracker".  I can't wait to see her watch the ballerinas with their toe shoes and tutus.  She loves toes shoes (but I think that will change if she ever gets to the point of wearing them!)  I have never seen this ballet..I'm excited, too.

Calah is also doing well in swimming.  She's a fish, like her mom.  The smallest one in her class, but she holds her own.  I love to watch her get stronger every week.  Now, if she will just quit trying to talk to the teacher while she is swimming, I think she would get stronger, faster.

On top of every thing else, she seems to get along with everyone at school and the sitters.  She is pretty happy most of the time and I can't believe how fast she is growing up.  More and more, the time I spend with her really is grown up girl time.  I just have to enjoy the time now...before she gets any bigger.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Teddy Bear Picnic and Anderson's Orchard

This weekend we did a couple of really great days!

We attended the annual Teddy Bear picnic at Michigan State.  We enjoy the Teddy Bear hospital and getting our teddy bears (or in Gabe's case, his leopard) fixed up.  Calah is obsessed with broken bones and casts, so we had to have all that taken care of.  She loved the emergency room, the neonatal, and the pediatric orthopedics. 

With Gabe, I made sure that we went to see the speech and language section so his leopard could get his hearing and speech tested, just like he has.  We also made sure that we saw the surgery section.  We are in for another set of tubes in his ears very soon.  I know he doesn't remember the first set of tubes, but he will remember this set.  I wanted him to be prepared, because I know the first time he was a little nervous.  So we learned about the blue pajamas, the blue masks, the blue coverings, and the blue hats.  We learned that blue is a clean color and talked about the little mask that will help him fall asleep.  I hope this will help him.

We also had some face painting and balloon animals.....

 It was a lot of fun and we can't wait until next year!

Sunday was off to Anderson's Orchard for some family time.....

We played, fed the goats, watched the pig races, and had donuts and cider.  It was a great day and a great weekend.

As a side note, I made it through yesterday.  We had a fantastic blood drive and collected 54 pints for the Red Cross.  We only had one real reaction at the end of the day.  My NHSers and my student donors are fantastic!  I am so proud of them.  And despite hating the finger prick, I am one pint lighter.  We should all donate blood, one hour and one pint can save three lives.  So find a drive and donate!

Also, I think that I have decided to keep up the blog for the time being.  I am enjoying it quite a bit.  By the way, I am addicted to the count feature that tracks visits (Thanks for the tip, Abby!)

Monday, October 3, 2011

New post coming soon

I was planning on posting a couple of times this weekend.  Unfortunately, time got away from me.  We had a great weekend at the Teddy Bear picnic on Saturday and at the apple orchard on Sunday with the family.  I even have pictures.  So, my promise is that I will post this week about both of them.  Probably not tomorrow night, and I'll tell you why.

Tomorrow is the blood drive at school.  I am in charge, so that means unloading the truck at 6:00 am.  After working all day (and probably a donation on my part), I have parent teacher conferences from 4-7.  Usually after a blood drive I'm exhausted, but then to add conferences?  Needless to say, I am going to need a little TLC tomorrow night.  So I probably won't be posting then.  I think tomorrow night....I'll sleep.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Wow!  I must have gained readership!  Was it because I told people to read at their own risk, of because I put in a disclaimer?  Anyway, I am happy people are reading my blog, and that nobody said anything mean to me.

This post is about my adventures at the dentist today.  It all started 2 weeks ago with a couple of fillings.  Things felt better for a few days, but then got worse.  I had my bite adjusted, I was on antibiotics, but nothing was helping.  I was in so much pain, it would wake me up at night.  I was taking pain medicine to get through the day.  I couldn't live like that, so I called the dentist and he worked me in this morning.

After looking at my x-rays, it was determined that I had tooth resorption.  Basically, my tooth was dying, but not through decay or infection.  It's sort of ideopathic.  So I needed a root canal.  Yuck.  I'm not going to lie.  I got pretty emotional, I just felt bad that I needed one.  It's not my fault, it was nothing I did or didn't do, but I still was sad.

It's a long process, but I am very grateful to my dentist for fitting me in and fixing me up today.  I know that it meant disrupting his schedule and working me in, but I feel so much better.  It will probably be a little sore for a couple of days, with the amount of stuff that was in my mouth today, but I know that I will feel much better soon.

So, I missed a day of school.  I wasn't planning it, I really needed to be there, but what can I say...when you need an emergency root canal, you need an emergency root canal. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Daily Struggle

This post comes with a disclaimer.  If you are someone whose feelings are easily bruised, you may want to stop now.  I am not sure who I will offend with this, it is not directed at anyone, but just in case know that you have been forewarned.

I have a daily struggle.  Every morning I have to get up and go to a job that wears me down.  Not to be confused with dislike, I like my job, but it wears on me.  But this is not a post about my job, it is a post about leaving my family.

I hate leaving my kids.  I love my sitter and I love their school, but I hate leaving them.  They are two of the most wonderful children.  I will admit to the fact that I am ridiculously jealous of parents who get to stay home with their children when they are growing up.  I am jealous of couples who have a partner that is able to make enough money to pay all the bills and allow one person to stay home.  For us that was never an option.  We do not live extravagantly, but one teacher's salary is just not enough.  I also think it ridiculous to think that because you stay home, somehow your life/job is more difficult.  More difficult than what, those of us who have to work outside the home and then come home and make sure everything there runs smoothly, too?  Let's just agree they are both challenging, no one more than the other.

But, anyway, leaving my children was excruciating.  I know there are some people who need adult interaction or a break, and that is fine.  I am not one of those people.  For one thing, there is little to no adult interaction at my job and usually the only time I need a break is after a long day of work.  When they were first born, I cried every day when I had to leave them.  I felt so guilty for having to go to work.  For the first six months of Calah in daycare, I cried.  The first three months for Gabe.  I need to say, they never cried.  They were fine, it was mom that was a mess.

Admittedly, it has gotten better over the years.  Now that they are in school, I know I wouldn't see them all day anyway.  And I have decided that if I am working, we are going to send them to a school that has the same values we do.  That means paying for private education and that is the most extravagant thing we do.  I have nothing against public education (I'm a public educator, for Pete's sake), but I know that my children are going to get more attention in a private school along with values that our family has.  It is an expense I am willing to pay... for them.  I can also send them to dance class and swimming lessons.  I am extremely plugged in to their lives.  I try to ask them every day about their friends, their class, and how they are feeling about everything.  But somehow I don't feel less guilty.

I feel guilty that I am not there to drop them off and pick them up.  I feel guilty that I can't be a room mom.  I feel guilty I can't be at every field trip or party.  I feel guilty if I forget a permission slip, pair of shoes, or a snack.  I feel guilty if I come home from a rough day and snap at my kids for something little.  I feel guilty that we don't have enough time together and try to schedule as much as possible.  I feel guilty, guilty, guilty.

I am horribly jealous of people who can stay home, and I feel guilty about that.  So if I don't ask how things are going for you, it's only because I am painfully aware of my jealous feelings and I don't like to reopen that wound.

That all being children have learned wonderful things by my working.  They are very independent.  My children have both navigated the local dial a ride as three year old preschoolers.  They can share and get along with a variety of types of children.  They are not judgmental of children who are different than they are.  They are very adept to routine and time schedules.  They adjust to new situations well and are good natured about it.  They are rarely clingy and like to try new things.  I know this is, in part, due to having to adjust at very young ages.  They have also had every cold and flu they could get, and their immune systems are strong.  Those are all very positive things that wouldn't have happened if I had stayed home.

I know that I will still struggle on the days my children go off to their Halloween or Christmas parties and I can't be there, but every day it gets a little better.  And I have to remember, if I didn't go to work that I wouldn't get what I do when I walk through the door now....the loud chorus of "Mommy's home"  followed by two big hugs and kisses.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Our Fantastic Day!

Today was fantastic! Let's start at the beginning.

First of all, Chuck and I slept in.  The joys of having children who know how to turn on their own cartoons cannot be put into words.  Today they let us sleep until 9ish.  After the week we both had, it was wonderful.

Then we got around and went to Grand Rapids for Art Prize.  We went last year and loved it.  So, this year it was a no brainer.  First we saw the world's largest bean bag.  Then we helped an artist color his painting.  The kids loved that! 
We saw a couple of guys who were awesome living statues. 
We saw a large trout head, a dinosaur statue, and a man made of money.  There were awesome hearts made of stones in the river and the blue bridge was covered in's AMAZING! 
We looked at a cool green tiger that the kids thought looked hungry.  We thought about inviting him to lunch with us, but then decided not to. 
After lunch, we checked out all the art at Grand Valley's downtown campus.  And we checked out this awesome dog that says it is a self portrait of the artist. 
There was an enormous door and chairs that the kids enjoyed sitting on them. 
There were some really cool exhibits at the Gerald R. Ford Museum including a field of flowers made of recycled bottles, some bear sculptures in the fountain (Calah's favorite), and a group of statues memorializing Michigan's fallen soldiers. 
We headed back across the river and saw this really cool art called "Dumpster Diving".  They were actual dumpsters with a scuba diver and whale made from recycled materials. 
The last thing we saw on the way back to the car was a giant Tonka truck...they called it a Tonku truck.  Gabe was absolutely thrilled!  He couldn't get enough of it.

We could have seen a lot more, we didn't even get through a small part of it.  But limit to the Art Prize experience can be measured by the stamina of your smallest child.  There is only so much the kids can do, see, and distance they can walk.  So, we had to call it quits.  But overall, it was an amazing experience.  By the way, this painting was my favorite.  It was in the Plaza Towers.
We came home and I made homemade lasagna for dinner.  Yummy!  Then Calah was off to a movie with her girlfriends (yes, she is old enough to do that!  I can't believe it either!), and Chuck and I took Gabe to a football game.  The team didn't do so well, but we had fun.  Now that the kids are in bed and asleep, Chuck and I are watching "RED".  It is kinda funny, and I am enjoying it.

I can't think of a more wonderful day.  I hope that a lot of people go to see Art Prize, it is well worth the trip.

Friday, September 23, 2011


I have a feeling that it won't be my only post with that title.

In my tv programs I am looking forward to, I neglected to mention a few important ones.  Glee was a major overlook.  I love Glee.  The songs make me happy and even though I spend my entire day in high school, I can say there these kids are slightly more entertaining.  Did anyone watch the season premiere?  I have to say that I love Quinn's new look.  I am very excited to see where they take that story line.

Blue Bloods is another one I forgot to mention.  I am watching it now.  Tom Selleck is still good looking after all these years.  And Donnie Wahlberg...yummy.  I love the dynamics of the show and his relationship with his wife is awesome.  I hope this one sticks around for a while.

After watching the season premieres this week, I have to say I am excited for the seasons.  I did watch the premiere of Two and a Half Men, just out of curiosity.  Not sure I will keep it up.  It wasn't bad, it was actually quite funny, but I never was a big watcher before.  I did enjoy the Big Bang Theory, The Middle, Modern Family, and Whitney.  Prime Suspect had both Chuck and I cheering last night.  And of course.....

The Office...loved that Andy is the Regional Manager.  That in my opinion was an awesome move.  The combination of Andy and Robert California...going to be interesting.

In other less exciting news, I am having some major tooth issues.  After a couple of fillings last week, I got an infection and the pain was excruciating.  Fortunately, I have a great dentist and am now taking an antibiotic and pain meds.  It is getting better, not as quickly as I would like, but now I have more achy pain than sharp pain.  All I can do is hope that it will go away soon.

Ooo...this is sort of fun.  The other night, our family had "Yellow Dinner".  It was really fun.  We had a yellow tablecloth, yellow plates, yellow cups, yellow silverware, yellow napkins.  We ate pears, crescent rolls, corn, chicken spaghetti, and lemonade.  And we had banana pudding for dessert.  It was so much fun!  I made everyone wear yellow shirts to dinner.  Something a little different, but the kids loved it! 

So, tomorrow we are off to Art Prize.  An exciting weekend for the Holmans!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My new hottie

Has anyone watched the new Anderson Cooper talk show?  I think I love him.  Really.  He is absolutely adorable.  And I had no idea that Gloria Vanderbilt was his mother.  So cute.

I do have to say that there is one thing that bothers me.  All the promos for the show and the first couple episodes have him riding around New York on his bicycle WITHOUT a helmet.  Now, I am not one that wears a helmet ( I know I should, good example and all), but someone that pretty really should wear a helmet.

So, Anderson....I really like you and your new show.  Please wear a helmet.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


This is the word that is summing up my life right now.  At least in regards to getting Gabe the speech therapy he needs.

Most of the people who read this are already aware of Gabe's speech history, but for those who aren't, I'll recap.

When Gabe was a toddler, he didn't say any words.  He made noises, but no words.  He would point to things, drag you to things, or make motions so you would understand.  At 18 months, no words.  Everyone said, "Don't worry, he's a boy.  It will come.  He'll talk when he's ready.  He's just a late talker." And so on.  At 20 months, nothing.  At 23 months, there was "Mama"  but not consistently and not necessarily at me.  I was worried, not excessively so, but when other two year olds are running around talking up a storm, and mine just makes noises, it is hard not to.

It was at this time that I had a student that I was fairly certain was on the autism spectrum, although the parents had never had this student tested.  This student had been home schooled before high school, and while the parents did an excellent job academically preparing them, the social skills were lacking.   This student had siblings that were also socially inept, but were able to get around and adapt.  Not this particular student.  And when school officials brought it up to them, they were adamant that testing was not to be done.  I felt sorry for this student.  If there is something that can be done to help someone who has certain needs, it should be.  But I digress....the point is, I was terrified of being that parent.  The parent that ignores that there is something wrong and does nothing about it.  And to tell the truth, I was scared that Gabe was autistic.

I know there are many wonderful people who have autistic children and siblings and so on, but I was really scared that if that was the case, I wouldn't be able to handle it.  I talked to the teacher of autistic students at school and she told me to check with the local intermediate school district.  After leaving a message on Thursday morning, the most amazing person came into our lives on Friday.

Friday was Calah's field day for preschool.  While I was there, I was talking to an acquaintance,  a parent of Calah's classmate who worked at the ISD and was a speech pathologist.  I described Gabe's predicament and told her my fears.  She said she would grab his file and give me a call to set up an evaluation with a developmental specialist and herself.  Less that two weeks later, Gabe was evaluated.  He is not autistic, but he does have childhood apraxia of speech.  This means that the motor nerves between his brain and mouth were not fully formed and although he could understand what you were saying and what he wanted to say, he couldn't get it out.  His initial testing at exactly two years old was: receptive language (what he understood) 2.6 years, his communicative language (what he could communicate) 0.9 years.

This began our journey into speech therapy.  We are blessed to have a great Early On program in our county and we had a wonderful speech and language pathologist (SLP), Dana.  She was with us for a year, until Gabe transitioned out of Early On.  The progress he made in one year was unbelievable.  But we were sad that we had to leave Dana.

Next it was adventures in public school special education.  I spend a fair amount of time reading and attending IEPs so I was figuring that this IEP thing wouldn't be such a big deal.  Instead, I have spent the last two years advocating relatively fiercely for my child.  I have decided that I do not really care who is inconvenienced, as long as I get what is best for my little boy, I am going to do it.  What that means for me is a lot of phone calls, asking a lot of favors, and begging for people to work with us.

My insistence is well intentioned.  Gabe is in preschool for only three hours at his primary school where he gets speech services.  I do not think it is unreasonable to expect that his services will take place outside of his school day.  I understand that as he moves into kindergarten next year, he will have to have services during school and will be missing class.  But for now, I don't think that it fair for him to always miss circle time, or always miss centers, or anything else for that matter.  I realize that it probably means that the people I deal with dread my phone calls, but I just want what is best for my son.  He deserves to have every preschool experience and I don't want him to miss out on anything.

He also attends a developmental preschool two days a week where he receives group language therapy.  I think this has helped tremendously as well.  He is more confident and at this point he is probably 60-70% intelligible.  He has improved so steadily, my fear is that he will plateau and we won't see progress for months.  So far, we've only been blessed with improvement.  We work with him all the time and make sure that he gets therapy in summer.

Also, I have done a fair amount of research and read a lot of message boards.  I have discovered that we are very blessed.  Gabe is only mildly apraxic.  He shouldn't have many lasting affects.  We will have to be vigilant about dyslexia and some words may always pose challenges to him, but compared to other families' struggles, ours are minor.  That being said, I'm not going to lie.  When we first realized what we were up against, I was scared and sad.  It is really hard to watch your little guy struggle with anything.  And the truth is, he is the one that has to do the work.  I can remove barriers and make it easier for him, but he is the one who has to do the work.  He is so good-natured about it.  He never complains and really enjoys going to speech.  He is so patient when he is telling you things and will repeat them to you until you get it. 

Ironically, words cannot express how proud I am of him.

So, the "chaos" part of this is that I am finally putting the last pieces in place so we can start therapy next week and get going.  It's been a long two weeks, but if he is successful, it will have all been worth it.