This weekend we did a couple of really great days!
We attended the annual Teddy Bear picnic at Michigan State. We enjoy the Teddy Bear hospital and getting our teddy bears (or in Gabe's case, his leopard) fixed up. Calah is obsessed with broken bones and casts, so we had to have all that taken care of. She loved the emergency room, the neonatal, and the pediatric orthopedics.
With Gabe, I made sure that we went to see the speech and language section so his leopard could get his hearing and speech tested, just like he has. We also made sure that we saw the surgery section. We are in for another set of tubes in his ears very soon. I know he doesn't remember the first set of tubes, but he will remember this set. I wanted him to be prepared, because I know the first time he was a little nervous. So we learned about the blue pajamas, the blue masks, the blue coverings, and the blue hats. We learned that blue is a clean color and talked about the little mask that will help him fall asleep. I hope this will help him.
We also had some face painting and balloon animals.....
It was a lot of fun and we can't wait until next year!
Sunday was off to Anderson's Orchard for some family time.....
We played, fed the goats, watched the pig races, and had donuts and cider. It was a great day and a great weekend.
As a side note, I made it through yesterday. We had a fantastic blood drive and collected 54 pints for the Red Cross. We only had one real reaction at the end of the day. My NHSers and my student donors are fantastic! I am so proud of them. And despite hating the finger prick, I am one pint lighter. We should all donate blood, one hour and one pint can save three lives. So find a drive and donate!
Also, I think that I have decided to keep up the blog for the time being. I am enjoying it quite a bit. By the way, I am addicted to the count feature that tracks visits (Thanks for the tip, Abby!)
I enjoy reading your news. Keep it up! Thanks. Mary Helen