It is time to make some plans for the coming year. Things we want to do or make better. Here are mine:
1. I resolve to make it out of the house four out of five mornings without yelling. Mornings are so hectic at our house trying to get everyone fed, dressed, and out the door. In order for this to be more peaceful, I will make sure I get things done at night that need to get done. I will make the kids get their own bags and things around with my supervision so they can learn responsibility. I will make sure we are settled at night so we can all have a peaceful morning. I will also need to go to bed earlier, so I can get up on time and get the kids up a little earlier. And notice that it is only four out of five....I have to give myself a little break!
2. I resolve to be a more optimistic person. They say that happy upbeat people live longer. And life is too short to spend time moping around. I don't care what happens at work or wherever, I am going to try to look at it through a positive light and make the best of things. This may be a challenge, as I usually get a post holiday funk. This year, I am going to be more positive, and hopefully it will ward off the funk. That leads me to number
3. I resolve to live life to the fullest. I am not going to let my screen time take the place of my life. I am going to make sure that I enjoy my children, their activities, my activities, and all that goes with it. I will spend less time on my computer wasting time and more time getting out in the world and enjoying what it has to offer. I am going to set goals, try new things, and have adventures. I will sleep well at night because I am tired from a full day of living.
I think that's good. If I go too overboard, I won't be able to keep them all up. Oh, but there is one more...
4. I resolve to be a more consistent blogger. :)
Happy New Year!
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