Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

It is time to make some plans for the coming year.  Things we want to do or make better.  Here are mine:

1.  I resolve to make it out of the house four out of five mornings without yelling.  Mornings are so hectic at our house trying to get everyone fed, dressed, and out the door.  In order for this to be more peaceful, I will make sure I get things done at night that need to get done.  I will make the kids get their own bags and things around with my supervision so they can learn responsibility.  I will make sure we are settled at night so we can all have a peaceful morning.  I will also need to go to bed earlier, so I can get up on time and get the kids up a little earlier.  And notice that it is only four out of five....I have to give myself a little break!

2.  I resolve to be a more optimistic person.  They say that happy upbeat people live longer.  And life is too short to spend time moping around.  I don't care what happens at work or wherever, I am going to try to look at it through a positive light and make the best of things.  This may be a challenge, as I usually get a post holiday funk.  This year, I am going to be more positive, and hopefully it will ward off the funk.  That leads me to number

3.  I resolve to live life to the fullest.  I am not going to let my screen time take the place of my life.  I am going to make sure that I enjoy my children, their activities, my activities, and all that goes with it.  I will spend less time on my computer wasting time and more time getting out in the world and enjoying what it has to offer.  I am going to set goals, try new things, and have adventures.  I will sleep well at night because I am tired from a full day of living.

I think that's good.  If I go too overboard, I won't be able to keep them all up.  Oh, but there is one more...

4.  I resolve to be a more consistent blogger.  :)

Happy New Year! 

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Season is Upon Us

Christmas is here.  All the festivities begin at our house tonight.

We have a family tradition that was carried over from my house growing up.  Tonight we will pack up the kids and go out to look at Christmas lights.  We spend about an hour (that's as long as the kids can handle it) driving around town to see the Christmas lights and listen to Christmas music.  Then we come home and have what our family refers to as "snacky dinner".  Veggies and dip, cheese and crackers, and tonight I am making a caprese pizza.  Then we pull out all the cookies and eat a bunch of those, too.  All while watching "The Polar Express."

After the kids go to bed, Chuck and I are in for a marathon wrapping session.  We haven't wrapped a single thing.  But, with a little help from "It's a Wonderful Life" or "White Christmas", we will get it done.

Tomorrow we have Christmas Eve with my grandparents.  It is a crazy time, but I love it.  It is so great to see everyone that we don't get to see very often.  Then we have Mass at 10:00.  I don't really like going so late with the kids, but there really isn't too many options.  We won't be done to make it to the 5:00 Mass, and I am not really willing to pull the kids away from their gifts on Christmas morning to make it to Mass.

Christmas morning will be early, I highly doubt the kids will sleep past 6:00.  I am going to do my best to hold them off until 7:00.  After ripping and tearing and squeals of joy, I have fabulous breakfast planned.  Then we pack up and head to Detroit to visit the fam.  Another wonderful time to see family we don't get to see very often.  The sadness this year is that the kids won't see Granny.  She is in North Carolina.  We are all sad that she won't be with us this year.

Then to my parents Christmas night for a huge family sleep over.  It's kind of amazing there is a place for all of us, we keep multiplying.  But the day after Christmas we have another Christmas morning, Christmas breakfast, and Christmas dinner.  It's nice to lounge without anywhere to go.  And my sister is coming home from California today, so she will be there and that will make it complete.

Once we are home on the evening of the 26th, our dining room becomes a toy store.  The kids will love playing with their gifts and relaxing in the remaining days of break.

I hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas will NOT beat me!

Not this year!  Nope, I am putting my foot down.  I will not be stressed out.  I will not panic.  I will not let it consume my life, my house, my sanity.  Christmas will not beat me this year!

So far, so good.  Like I said before, the shopping is done.  And as of right now, the cards are sent, the baking is very close, and gifts have been sent to school and bus drivers.  The big thing that has been suffering is my house.  My poor husband and children have had to search for clean clothing, my dining room table hasn't been seen in weeks, and the clutter strewn through the house makes my stomach turn.  The truth is that I have been exhausted.  Just knowing that I the children fed and clean is enough for me.  They go to bed and Chuck and I collapse into our chairs to stare blindly at the tv before we stumble to bed.  And when we do have some time and energy, we are on the go.  And so my house sat for the last couple of weeks.

Until yesterday.  I was a crazy woman.  After church, I bake/made seven different types of cookies.  I did seven loads of laundry.  I made one last Christmas present, and believe it or not, my dining room table is now visible.  I am so thankful for my wonderful husband.  He did the dishes after I made the kitchen a mess, ran errands for the things I forgot, wrapped the presents that needed to be delivered today, and made dinner.  We were both exhausted last night, but this morning I feel soooooooooooo much better. 

I don't know about everyone else, but when things around me (my house, my classroom, my car) are chaotic, I feel like my life is chaotic, too.  When things are neat and orderly, I am calm.  My husband says I am a little OCD.  Maybe I am.  My coworkers laugh at me because I have specific days to do specific things and my classroom is always tidy.  But it keeps me calm.  And let's face it, anyone who knows me, likes me WAY better when I'm calm.  When I am not, well, let's just say I get a little spirited.

So now that the house is picked up, there is only one more load of laundry, and only the sugar cookies need to be frosted, I feel like I have one up on Christmas.  It is not going to beat me this year.  This year, I am going to relax and enjoy the holiday.  In my clean house.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Busiest Time of Year

I apologize for the lack of posting.  It is truly the busiest time of the year.

That being said, we are really ahead of the game this year.  I think it is safe to say that we are pretty much done shopping.  I am waiting for a couple of packages to arrive.  They should be here tomorrow and Thursday, and that's it.  I have a couple of presents to make, but I have all the supplies.  This is probably the earliest I have ever been done, and it feels GREAT!  I even have the stocking stuffers.

The cards are made, and I hope to have them out by the end of the week.  The picture of the kids was taken last night and picked up today.  Chuck is picking up my envelopes tonight.  Tomorrow, marathon card session.

Cookies are on deck for the the weekend.  I will probably spend Saturday morning and all day on Sunday making them.  But that is still a week ahead of Christmas.  I totally feel ok about that. 

What is suffering is my house.  The going here and there every weekend has caused the laundry to get backed up, the dining room is cluttered, and the bedrooms are a mess.  I also haven't been able to make it to the pool lately.  I am starting to feel like a slug.  The holiday treats don't make it any better.

And let me tell you about the wonderful "busy" of our weekends!

Calah and I went to see the Nutcracker.  LOVED IT!  It is fantastic to see the look on the girls' faces when they saw the ballerinas and the tutus and the toe shoes.  Then we got to meet some of the dancers on the stage after the ballet.  Calah's autographed program is currently her prized possession.  We were able to get a picture with Clara and the Nutcracker and Miss Jenica and all the girls.  Fantastic!

We also got to see our godchildren and some good friends this weekend.  And we have a dance recital for my niece this weekend.  The kids are finishing up dance class and swimming lessons this week.  I had parent/teacher conferences (in December?  Yes, I know, I think it is ridiculous, too!).  The kids have their Christmas program next week.  We have the train club Christmas party and I have a swim meet this week.  I know that everyone has this type of schedule at this time of year.  Personally, I love the bustle of the holiday season.  But I do have one wish.

My Christmas wish is that while we are all doing the busy things that are part of this season, we take time to remember what this season is about.  It is about the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Yes, it is nice to give and receive gifts.  It is wonderful to think of the less fortunate and donate time, money, and gifts.  They are truly the way we serve Christ on Earth.  But really think about what it means that Jesus came to save us.  He came in the most humble way when He deserved to come in the most regal.  If you aren't a regular church goer, try it this season.  You may find yourself uplifted and inspired by the baby that came to save us all.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Somethings Never Change....

Well, I did it.

Today I swam in my first Michigan Master's swim meet.  It is all thanks to my high school English teacher who convinced me that I was ready, even though I didn't think that I was.  I have only been swimming since August, and I am definitely not in great shape.  And it's been 14 years and 2 kids since I swam competitively.  I know that my goal was to compete sometime this winter, so I figured why not dive right in?  (pun intended)

So I competed in DeWitt this morning and for people who understand swimming, this next part will make sense.  I swam the 100 free in 1:18.57.  I was aiming for anything under 1:30, so that was pretty exciting.  I swam the 50 free in :34.55.  Again, anything under :38 thrills me.   The 50 free was the 6th event and I went for it and swam the 7th event, too:  100 IM.  Now this is not an event that ordinarily is in a meet, so it is really just fun.  I would like to swim the 200 IM again one day.  1:34.53.  Not great, but not a horrible showing either.  I was first in my heat, that's something.

If nothing else, this gives me base times to work with.  I am proud of my crazy self for doing it.  And I will probably do it again.  Nope, I will definitely do it again.

I met some nice people who were very supportive.  This seems like a good fit for me.  And after the meet there was a lot of food for the hungry swimmers....somethings never change.