Monday, May 21, 2012

End of the School Year

There are times of the year that "busy" doesn't begin to describe what happens at our house.  May is one of those times.  April was pretty calm.  I may not have posted much, but compared to May, it was easy. 

We started the month with Calah's First Communion.  I am so proud of her!  As much as I would like her to stay a little girl, I know that she is growing up.  I have faith that she will grow and mature into a wonderful young woman!

After that, the big prep for Auction started.  I spent many nights down at the hall preparing for this huge event.  We had a record number of people who purchased tickets, and we raised a bunch of money for the kid's school.  And at this point I would like to get something off my chest.  There was a comment made wondering what my partner and I do, since it looks like we are doing nothing.  Well, for anyone who attends a charitable event or an auction, the check in/computer people do a lot.  We network the computers (huge job for nontechies),  input every item that has been donated or purchased, assemble them into silent or live basket items, enter every person who purchases a ticket and assign them a bidder number, print off bid sheets, certificates, table numbers, reserved signs, register credit cards, sync the card machine to the computer to read bidder numbers, enter winning bids, and check people in and out, giving them bidder numbers and taking their payments.  Then we come home and do about 5 more hours of work syncing winning bids to card numbers, sending payments to the bank, contacting card companies for approval of cards, contact invitees whose cards were declined (by far the worst part), clear the terminals before sending them back, printing results sheets, and printing donor sheets for thank yous.  This year, we don't have to do thank you letters and find addresses that are missing because the school generously offered to do that.  In the past that was yet another step.  So, the next time it looks like those computer people aren't doing anything, keep in mind first that they are volunteers and second, that just because they may not have a flashy job that everyone notices, doesn't mean they don't do anything. 

Ok, done with that.  Sorry, I know it was a week ago, but it still burns me that someone would insinuate that we weren't doing anything.  That said, here is our wonderful tech team:

Then, even though I wasn't done with Auction stuff, it was time for NHS induction.  This was a big event this year, with a new principal who has never attended an NHS induction, and outgoing superintendent who has attended every NHS induction in his career, a new incoming superintendent, and board members who's child was being inducted.  Plus, I had an amazing executive board this year and a huge group of inductees.  Over all it was good, minus a few blips.  It started with a member knocking over the flowers and spilling water everywhere.  Then the eternal light of knowledge went out in the middle of the ceremony, and finally an inductee set her hair on fire.  Just a little, it was more smoke than anything, but eventful nonetheless. 

Calah and I went on a little girl's getaway to Interlochen and watched a dance performance.  We stayed in a little motel and had some quality girl time.  I love spending time with her and  it was really nice to get away and relax a little.  Some shopping in TC didn't hurt either!  :)

Then onto graduation.  I really am going to miss this group of seniors.  I know I get a slightly skewed view of the class because I deal only with the ones that are NHS members or take Advanced Biology, but overall, I think they were a good group.  I am proud of the mature young adults they have become and I wish the class of 2012 the best.

So now, seniors are done, auction stuff is almost done, Calah's First Communion was a success, NHS is done for the year, and we are getting ready to finish up the year.  Couple more major things to get accomplished:  Gabe's birthday party, dance recital (five acts and makeup planning for the whole thing), and vacation planning.  Oh, and I should probably get some summer plans for the kids (summer camps, review programs, etc.) Ohhhh...busy, busy, busy!