Thursday, January 9, 2014

Finally Back to Work

The longest winter break ever has finally ended.  Everyone finally went back to school today.  It was bittersweet.  I know that lots of parents were ready for their kids to go back, but I loved being home with my family.  We had a great break.  We had some wonderful quality family time.  A few holiday gatherings, a few family outings, and some great family discussions.  It was just great.

But like all good things, it must at some point come to an end.  I think the kids were ultimately happy to get back to their routines.  And I guess, on some level, so am I.  When we are always going, it is hard to realize how great we have it.  But having some down time really puts our lives in perspective.  We are busy people with busy lives.  All four of us are consistently busy.  But we are lucky to be that way.  Chuck and I are lucky to be employed in the field we chose.  And although our jobs are demanding and we leave early and work late, we are employed.  We like our jobs and we are lucky to be able to have a nice long winter break and still know we are going back to a stable, reasonably secure jobs.  The kids have activities that have us running almost nightly.  But they are activities that they have chosen, they enjoy, and we are fortunate enough to be able to put them in.  It is great to see Calah and Gabe grow and develop.  And if that weren't enough (and it is enough, how could it not be enough), Chuck and I are fortunate to be able pursue our own hobbies and passions.  And yet, I feel like sometimes we are so busy, we are so overwhelmed, that we don't realize how lucky we really are. 

So I appreciated the long break.  I appreciated the chance to reflect on how fortunate my family is.  And I appreciate the chance to get back to the routine and experience all the good things that await us this new year.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, New Resolutions, New Look

Happy 2014!

Isn't it nice to have a fresh start?  I love the new year.  I love starting over, starting fresh, every thing new again.  I love the idea of putting the past in the past, putting it away, chalking mistakes up to lessons learned, and cherishing the good memories.  I think the ability to look forward with a positive attitude and set goals is one of the greatest testaments to the human spirit.  No matter where you are, no matter what you are doing, no matter what your circumstances, nobody knows what the future holds.  And that is the great beauty and wonder of a new year? We don't know what it holds for us.  Of course we hope for the best, to do otherwise would be very odd indeed, and that optimism is beautiful and wonderful. If we really try, if we really hope and believe that anything is possible in the new year, then we get to go back to that child-like wonderment state.  Do you remember that?  When anything was possible.  You could be anything you wanted to be.  And maybe that isn't the case now, but still, we have so many possibilities ahead of us.  So I say, when making your new year's resolutions....dream big.

New Year's Resolutions....there were many years I didn't make them.  I guess I had lost my "child-like wonderment".  I didn't see any reason to try to change.  But I have a new attitude in the last few years.  I think resolutions are great.  And I don't think they should only be saved for New Years.  You can make a new resolution on a Tuesday evening after grading a rough set of tests that made you eat an entire box of Russell Stovers chocolates downed with a bottle of cheap wine (I mean, that is just an example, um, not that I have any personal experience with anything like, yea...I plead the fifth).  Anyway, the point being, any time is a good time for a resolution.  And what is a resolution exactly?  When looking up the definition, this is the one that seems the best...A course of action determined or decided on.  So we are picking our path, our course of action, and going for it.  Maybe it will be difficult, most things worth achieving are.  Maybe we will stray from our path, nobody is perfect and it isn't about how many times you quit or stray, it's about how many times you start again.  Maybe we will fail completely, but we won't know unless we try and every failure (with the right attitude) can be viewed as a lesson learned.  I think the trick is to pick one or two things and make the decision to work on them.  This year I have 2 (plus a continuation of one from last year...yup, I kept one last year, and still going strong!).

1. Be more generous.  That means not just money, but time and talent, too.  I've been pretty selfish lately, it's time to give to others.
2.  Keep up on my blog.  I realize that there aren't many people who are too interested in what I have to say.  But I do like this blog and I do like to write, so I'm going to set a goal of two posts a week.  To help myself, I've updated the look of my blog.  Sometimes a fresh look is all you need to be inspired.  And a beach landscape will always get me.  Every. Single. Time.  :)
3.  My continuation of regular exercise....feeling pretty good about this one.  Have a new workout written and ready to go tomorrow morning.   The hardest part, it will be about -2 degrees tomorrow morning, and getting out of my warm bed at 6 am will be tough...but I know I will feel better afterward, so....yup, I'm going to do it.

And the best part is, even if I don't, even if my alarm doesn't go off, the snow is too deep to walk through, or whatever lame excuse I come up with, if I don't make it in the morning, I will resolve to do it Friday.  (But honestly, I'm excuses)

So make some resolutions, even if you didn't start today, start tomorrow, or Sunday, or next Wednesday evening. Just aspire to change something in your life, make it better.  Let's look back at the end of 2014 and know we did everything we could to make it the best year possible.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Things I have learned in 2013

I know it has been awhile.  A real long while.  I'd say I've been super busy or make some lame excuse like that, but it would be a lie.  I mean, I have been busy, but not THAT busy.  Truth is, I didn't have anything real important to say.  And now I could catch everybody up on the kids and Chuck and what we have all been doing, but I'm not going to.  At least not right now, we will leave that until next week.

It is so close to the end of the year that I thought it was a good time to reflect on what I have learned.  I think it is important at this time of year to look back and discover how you have grown so you can fully appreciate that you are better off now than you were a year ago.  And I think most people are better off.  Maybe not financially, although I hope you are, but hopefully you are spiritually, emotionally, medically, or intellectually better off.  I know I am better off in at least three of those areas.

I have learned there comes a time in your life when you have to make your health a priority.  I know, I know, most people already know that.  But I had been living a life where I was mostly healthy, I was overweight, but my heart was good, I didn't smoke, I didn't drink excessively, so, in my mind, I was in pretty good shape. But then I had some unexplained pain and muscle weakness.  And it got so bad that I couldn't do simple things like drain a pot of noodles or pick up a textbook with one hand.  Not being a weak person, I knew there was something wrong.  And after a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, I actually felt relieved.  I wasn't crazy.  It had a name, there was something wrong.  But then I had some other lessons to learn.

I learned that although medication can be very useful, it isn't the only way to fix problems.  Nor is it always the best.  Or does it work the same way for everyone.  The medicine that I was prescribed didn't work for me.  I didn't like it.  I needed to find another way.  And I have, through trial and error and supplements and yoga and massage and diet and regular exercise.  And I feel so much better, better than I have in a long time.  It was a lifestyle change, but one I had to decide for myself to do, not one that I could be forced into.

Which leads me to my next lesson, I have learned that attitude is everything.  I will not let this diagnosis define me.  I will not let it control my life or prevent me from doing anything.  And I mean that.  If anything, it has inspired me to work harder and do more.  So I have done more this year, made exercise more of a priority, increased my workouts, and vowed to swim more meets this year.  It isn't always easy.  I have bad days, but as long I don't let myself wallow and I adjust my attitude, I can keep going.

But health wasn't the only lesson this year, I learned how much your past shapes you.  Again, I know that that isn't news to most people.  But sometimes it takes a journey back to discover why you are who you are is just what you need to focus where you want to go.  This year I had a few opportunities, between old friends, reunions, and visits to old stomping grounds to reminisce on my more formative years.  Remembering the past made me realize some things.  I have done some things I'm not proud of, but I wouldn't change any of it.  If I hadn't done some of the things I had, I wouldn't be where I am today.  Those decisions, good or bad, led me to my wonderful husband and amazing kids.  So, I have learned to embrace my past, both the good and the bad aspects.

It's not just the past.  This year I learned to embrace the present.  I know my children are only going to be this age and this curious for a short time.  It is important to do the things with them they enjoy.  Sledding, swimming, going for walks, bike rides, and looking for adventure around every corner.  We have had a great year and I am really looking forward to doing more of the same and more in the coming year.

There have been a lot of little lessons, too.  And when I look at where I was last year at this time, I know that I have grown.  I also know I still have things to improve on.  Just like the rest of the world, I will make resolutions for the new year.  Resolutions that aim to make me a better person, and I hope my resolutions will also make the world a better place.

Here is to 2014!  No matter where you are now, may we all be better in a year's time.  Happy New Year!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Worst End of School Year Mom Ever to Best Summer Mom Ever

If you haven't read Jen Hatmaker's post "Worst End of the School Year Mom Ever", do yourself a favor and read it now.  Jen's Post

Done, good.  Do you still have dry pants?  Amazing, because I practically peed myself.  This is totally me.  I feel like I am being dragged, half dead, across the end of the school year line.  Maybe it's being a teacher, too.  I don't know, but I am sooooooo done.  And that is literally the case, I finished school yesterday.  The kids and Chuck have until the end of the week, but that is of little consolation.  Today I am just as as exhausted as I have been all year and it is my first day of break.  But Calah needed a yellow shirt that we don't have, veggies were needed at school for an all school lunch, 2 field days, camp forms to be dropped off, and oh, laundry has piled up to the point that nobody has clean underwear.  And I am seriously tempted to tell them to just turn them inside out.  Not to mention I haven't even thought of teacher gifts, crap.  Oh, and there is a birthday party for my little guy at our house on Saturday that I have yet to plan. But we will make it.  Beaten down by the year, bloodied knees crawling across the finish line, but we will make it.

And once that is done, I am turning over a new leaf.  I plan to be "The Best Summer Mom Ever".  I have plans of camps, playdates, library program events, dinners outside, picnics, the beach, and vacations.  Oh, and Pinterest.  I have pinned so many fun things, we are GOING to do them.  We will be making our own bubbles, creating obstacle courses, cooking kid friendly food, making sidewalk chalk, and other fabulously fun pins.

Isn't that the great thing about summer?  Even when we are dragging across the finish line of the school year, we can be energized and ready to take on the summer.  I love the number of times during the year I can start fresh, because so often I fall short of my goals.  But I get to start fresh in August/September, January, sometimes even April after spring break, and of course, June.  I usually have great and wonderful plans that last a few weeks and then I fall short.  In my defense, this year school lunches and bag packing, and laying out clothes, and getting laundry done on a regular basis did last a long time.  But I am tired of being responsible mom.  Get your homework done mom.  Sort the laundry, make you bed, clean up your room mom.  It's time to throw some fun mom in the mix.

So starting Monday, we have basketball camps, dance classes and recital to finish, and we are starting those pins.  Maybe a watermelon seed spitting contest.  Or go for a hike in the state park.  Or go fishing, or a bike ride, a trip to the park.  And we will keep doing those fun things.  At least for a few weeks, until I fall short of my plan and fail.  But at least in September I can turn over a new leaf and be a super mom again!

Friday, May 3, 2013

The spring rush

So, I survived the auction.  Aside from a couple of loose ends that I will tie up this weekend, I will happily pack away the auction computers and supplies until next year.  Seriously, there are few people who understand my relief with this.

And my house is pretty much back to normal, laundry done, cleaned, food stocked.  We're good.  And that is excellent considering the schedule these days.  Calah has lots of dance and I'm helping as much as I can at the studio.  Gabe has dance and t-ball, which Chuck is coaching.  That is nothing compared to the awards banquets, ceremonies, inductions, recitals, birthdays, graduations, and open houses. Because of us  the people at the gas company stay employed and receive those big bonuses!  Oh, and the "new" vehicle we purchase definitely makes that enjoyable.  I love my new van!

And for the first time in quite a while, I am actually looking forward to Mother's Day.  Not because I think I need a special day, or need my family to praise me, throw rose petals at my feet, fan me while I sip tea on the front porch (that happens on a daily basis at my house), but because for the first time in a few years I won't be exhausted.  Usually it's the morning after the auction, and I'm tired and crabby.  My family just isn't used to me being crabby, usually I'm so pleasant!

I am greatly looking forward to this weekend.  I think the kids and I will head out Saturday afternoon for some fun at the local petting zoo.  I have dinner plans with the girls tonight, a play tomorrow night, and some quality fam time on Sunday.  As long as it is nice like it is supposed to be, maybe we can get some early planting done.  Usually, I wait and wait to plant my annuals, but this year the gardening bug has bit me a little early, it would be nice to see my yard looking pretty.

There is school work to be done, but it will have to done in small increments.  And I can honestly say there is no motivation today.  None, zero.  We will did a lab in one class, work day in 5, although in one, I let them stop early and play 7-up.  I am always amazed how much high schooler want to play 7-up or get excited over stickers or want you to read them a book.  I guess everyone wants to hold on to their inner child as much as they can.  Personally, I want to build a tent on top of my bed and never come out (at least some days)

Ice cream.....mmmmm.....sorry, got distracted.  Ice cream would be good this weekend, I'm going to have to find some of that.

Before you know it, it will summer and I will be sad that my children have grown another year, but happy to have a well earned vacation.  It's always a little bittersweet, but that is a different story.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Parental Guidance

I am not one that will routinely give out parental advice.  At least not anymore.  There was a time when I thought I ought to impart my well earned wisdom on others (what was I thinking???), but these days I try to keep my judgments, comments, and otherwise to myself.  I am currently of the thought that everyone has to find their own way, their own parenting style.  You need to figure out what works for you and your family.

However, the lack of parenting (of any style), has me ranting today.  We have been a little vacation this week where we stayed at a hotel with a pool.  I cannot believe the lack of supervision that occurs.  Cell phones have taken ignoring your kids to a whole new level.  Not only are there excessive amounts of children without supervision, the ones that have "supervision" are so preoccupied, their kids may as well be unsupervised.  Do parents not realize that this is a pool?  With water?  Where kids could drown?  Seriously, people, watch your kids!

Now, I try really hard not to let the teacher and lifeguard in me loose when I am on vacation.  That doesn't mean I wouldn't help someone (kid) in need, but I try really hard not to correct behavior.  I have zero authority, I am not their parent, and most kids and parents get really upset when you interfere.  But I cringe and have anxiety when I see what is clearly an accident waiting to happen.  I cannot understand why parents cannot see that there is eminent danger when kids randomly jump into a crowd of people in the pool, or that if their kid is standing in front of the waterslide, there is a really good chance they are going to get hit.  And with the amount of roughhousing going on, a kid could get shoved under the water and not be able to come up for air.  For kids, a pool can be very dangerous, especially in an unfamiliar pool with unfamiliar kids.

Now, Calah is a pretty good swimmer, but Gabe is not.  Calah can hold her own, but she is not old enough to really understand that even though she is swimming and trying to be safe, other kids are not and could run over her, jump on her, or something else that would prevent her from getting oxygen.  Gabe likes to push his limits, but is not confident that he could swim on his own.  I fear that someone will knock him off of his safe areas and he wouldn't be able to keep his head above water.  So we are there to ensure that those things don't happen.  Either right there in the water, or watching closely from the side of the pool so we could respond within seconds.  I am not paranoid, but I do want to walk out of the pool area with the same number of children I walked in with.  Preferably happy, healthy children that have not been traumatized.

And that doesn't even address the lack of manners and complete rudeness.  I try to overlook them and teach my kids that tossing things up the slide is not ok, throwing things across the pool so they land on other people is not ok, and running into other people repeatedly because you are not paying attention is not ok. Silver lining, I guess.

 So the pool is rough for me, which is ironic, because it is usually the place I feel the most at home.  But the kids had fun, so I guess it is worth it.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Plans for the spring

The calendar says that spring has arrived!

I am not one that gets all crazy when the calendar says March 20th and the *poof* the snow isn't gone, the temperature isn't 70 degrees, and we can't wear shorts yet.  We live in Michigan.  It regularly snows during spring break in April....get over it.  Winter will reign for another few weeks.  Now, if there is snow in June, I'll complain.  But not in March, never in March.

However, I am making exciting plans for our family this spring and early summer.  From now until the end of the year we will be busy, busy, busy!  I sat down yesterday and sort of mapped out the next couple of months.  Here is how it adds up:

Gabriel:  He is active!  He will be finishing up the last of his young 5s program on his 6th birthday.  He has learned so much, and his speech is so much better.  Kindergarten, be ready, he can't wait!  In the meantime, he is finishing up a session of swimming lessons, taking dance class, and starting t-ball.  Also, he may be adding a hip hop dance class.  He hasn't decided yet.

Calah:  Loving the third grade!  I can't believe how grown up she is.  She is also finishing swim lessons and dancing.  She will definitely be starting her hip hop dance class!  She can't get enough of dance.  And I am so very proud of her.  Her musicality has improved so much in the last year.  I see her listening to the music to help her know what to do next.

Chuck:  Things are busy for my husband, too.  With the obvious and normal work for school, he has agreed to again be Gabe's t-ball coach.  There is also the finishing touches to his German trip.  He leaves in June.  He is very excited.  I am so happy that he gets a chance to travel like he does.  He really loves it.

Me:  Well, sometimes I feel like I am the busiest of all!  Auction for the kids' school is quickly approaching.  That will eat up at least a week of my time, plus some evenings and weekend leading up to it.  I am hoping the network hooks up easily this year to save me some time.  Also, NHS is kicking into high gear with new member selection and induction, as well as officer election and installation.  Maybe I'll get some time in at the pool....I hope!

Then school gets out and the craziness of June begins.  Once the end of school celebrations and parties end, we will have Gabe's birthday, which he has informed of his wishes for his party already (just like last years superhero party, but with more Batman, and he wants to go to SkyZone, and he wants to have 10 more kids, and a pool party, and ice cream).  Sure, whatever, we'll see what we can do......... On a sadder note, we also have my mother-in-law's memorial.  I am not looking forward to opening those wounds with the kids.  They miss their Granny terribly and talk about her often.  We all miss her a lot.  :(

Then it is the recital.  And this, my friends, is an EVENT!  If you have never had a dancer, let me fill you in.  In our little studio (which is in year 5 and growing!), we are having the dress rehearsal the day before.  Every group is on stage doing their number and trying out the stage at least once.  The little kids are hilarious!  On the day of the recital, it is an all day event. We start early in the morning and all the girls (and Gabe) get their hair and makeup done at the studio, then they are all walked down the street to the theater and herded back stage into little rooms to await their turn on stage.  Now, this may not seem like much, but as the person in charge of the makeup, trust me, it's daunting.    All those little girls (and Gabe!).  Fortunately, there is a lot of help.  All the moms pitch in, one way or another.  Either hair, or makeup, or helping with costumes, or entertaining dancers while they wait, or herding them down the street and into the theater.  It is busy and so much fun.  This is a big deal.  The kids have worked so long all year for this.  This is their showcase, where they show off all they have learned.

After the recital is Father's Day, and a couple of days later Chuck leaves for Germany.  I feel like after that we can relax a little, at least until our summer vacation!